This Is Your Time

Michael W. Smith

  • Genre: Christian
  • Release Date: 2007-01-31
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:41

Music Video


  • One of his best

    By Be Leaf
    I loved the music in the begining, then the video second. A year later I heared the story behind the song. I first sung along, than I laughted, now I may even shead a tear. One of the best!!!
  • Michael W. Smith This is Your Time

    By momaq
    I had trouble with this video --- please review before downloading
  • Awesome music video!!

    By yshuacwgrl89
    Michael did a great job on this video and the song. This is my brothers' favorite music video & song by Michael W. Smith. He loves to listen/watch it over and over again while singing along. I enjoy, too. I've listened to Michael throughout my whole life, mainly 'cause my mom listened to him in college and she still does! Great video.
  • The Story

    By BrendanP
    This song is not so much based on an event, rather it was inspired by and, more appropriately, a tribute to Cassie Bernall. She was a junior at Columbine High School when she was martyred during the massacre in 1999. Bernall was in the library of the school when either Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris - it was never confirmed who - pointed a gun at her and asked simply, "Do you believe in God?" With her response, "Yes," Bernall was instantly shot and killed. While this song was written in rememberence of a great tragedy, its message is ultimately positive as it encourages all to say "Yes" and reminds everybody that "this is your time, this is your dance... live every moment, leave nothing to chance..." Smith is not the only musician who wrote a commemorative song. Flyleaf also recorded a song entitled "Cassie". It should be noted that the story does, in fact, remain in question. Accounts vary and some do say that neither the shooter's words - thought to be those of Harris - nor Bernall's were ever spoken. However, this is the story that persists more than nine years later, and is certainly worth honoring. We may never know for sure what was said that day in the exchange between Cassie Bernall and her shooter, but we can always hear the beautiful words of Michael W. Smith in this, perhaps the most important of all of his recordings. May God bless.
  • True Story

    By KBS1
    MWS wrote this for the Columbine memorial service. One of the students killed there was asked if she believed in God - she said Yes
  • sad video

    By sttt
    what most people dont know is that this was based on a true story about a teenage girl who was killed because of her faith in God.

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