Ego (Remix) [feat. Kanye West]


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-05-21
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:52

Music Video


  • haha

    By Gabrielle Viola
    omg idk y but this video reminds me of madonna's vouge... sorry! it does!
  • Is anyone with me!!!!!

    By buccmaster :-)
    This is hesterical!!!! not only is it a great song but it's practically made for Kanye West!! Because honestly i really don't think anyone on the planet has a bigger ego than Kanye West I mean really!?
  • Marvoluss!!

    By no.1gAhgAhfaNn
    Beyonce did an amazing job in this video she is beautiful and talented. Her and kanye made a nice blend and at the end B looked like she was having so much fun! I'd say totally worth it!!
  • daimondprincess29

    By Deedi529
    do ur thang Bee!!!!!
  • Bonnie of R&B

    By Sharky53_BX
    She is doing her thing. Hits after Hits
  • It's cool

    By Blazin Fia
    It's a good video. I listen to it all the time, and I can't stop listening to it. Beyonce is one of my favs, but recently, it's like all her slow songs like if i were a boy and halo are the best. ego, sweet dreams and single ladies are okay, but what's with those two girls in the back all of the time?
  • my opinion

    By kelly321
    Beyonce please please play no mind to ignorant people. You have paid your dues in this business. Everything youve come out with has been absolutely excellent. Be true to your self. Don't look to your left or right, just be the best Beyonce god has created you to be. Being a person that is on the outside looking in, you are at the top of your game. Don't try to do or be like anyone else, that is when your craft that you have worked hard to develop will not seem authenitic. Stay an individual who has been set apart from the rest.
  • Ego

    By binks526
    Beyonce is the best. This song is meant to have dual meaning. It doesn't mean she doesn't have class. Beyonce is curvy even if she dieted more her natural body type wouldn't change unless she became an anorexic. So get your facts straight before you have the nerve to talk about someone more talented then you could ever be and stfu.
  • Kanye and B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are the best

    By skypeplayer212
    kanye i have always love and know beyonce music is just getting better. Great song great remix.
  • Dope

    By rayray_Kanye Rocks
    Beyonce is super fine. . . and what more can you say Kanye is genius.

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